Friday, November 19, 2010

rumbly in my tumbly

One of my coworkers was out of the office today, so he let me poach his ergonomic ball to perch on...since I've been jealously eyeing it for awhile and thinking it looked like fun. The truth: yes and no. Yes because it's easier to dance to pandora when you can bounce in place. Also stretching on it is nice. No because it made me feel slightly nauseous, and I can't figure out why.

I also decorated my cube today with some Christmas goodies, while burning a handful of Christmas music from my other coworker onto my computer. Although it looks small and pathetic in comparison to my feelings around the holiday, remember it is still mid-November, so more is yet to come. Besides, I have to remain somewhat professional, oui?

feeling: happy + nauseous

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