Thursday, November 18, 2010

feeling: lemony

Just as I am about to get my new yoga mat (thanks, ylehsa!), I was stretching before class today, and the instructor stooped and felt my mat and asked if I was getting a new one soon, and why there were huge chunks missing in mine. Obviously Milo's made an impression (as I pick a short white hair off of my artichoke this moment) wherever I go. So I told her I was getting one soon, and she brought over a nice bouncy lululemon one, and after I gave her a thumbs-up, she gave it to me! Because someone apparently had other things on their mind during class (shame shame!) and left it there several months ago. So now I have it, and immediately raced back to the office after class and scrawled my last name on the back of it with a Sharpie.

Dining: artichoke and coca tea
Reading: Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
Watching: Outsourced
Thinking: about Nolan coming home to me in 26 hours.

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