Tuesday, August 31, 2010

12, 11, 10

I just got home from being in my office for 12 hours. Even through my lunch break. Suckage. Good news is that I got the greenlight to cab home instead of waiting for the muni forever. My driver was I'm pretty sure the oldest cab driver I've ever seen, and he was mumbling about trying to figure out how to use his phone. Scary.

But to cheer us all up, I thought I'd post this to show us that there are awesome things that come from staring at a computer screen all day:

Monday, August 30, 2010

it's over.

Well. We had 2 nights in a row of watching 3 hours of 24 and Jack Bauer trying to bring down justice (or revenge?), and finally we just finished the finale. And 24 will never return. A sadder day we haven't felt since we finished reading the Harry Potter series. Let us all mourn...at least until we find a new show.

I just had to post this, as I was looking for my Halloween wig (can you guess who I'm going as?) on amazon, and found this review for a wig cap. I couldn't believe it was a real review, but you can be the judge. Ridiculous:

under a wig, September 30, 2008


Bartok Kinski "A casual stroll through the lu... (Prague) - See all my reviews

I used this under a wig I wore to keep fleas off of my bald head. It gets hot and eventually ripped so I had to use a woman's pantyhose. If you are really in a bind, you can even use material from your underpants, make sure it's breathable.”

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

aaaand we're back

...to the cold.

Here is a picture of me at 8pm last night wearing shorts. IN SAN FRANCISCO. AT NIGHT.

And here is a picture of us getting home from work...notice the billows of fog and how cold it looks. It feels that cold too.

Joke of the day (from my coworker):
DG: "Why did Han Solo cry at the dinner table?"
Me: "Uhh...because Leia..."
DG: "Because the meat was chewie!"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

can we still end sentences with "...NOT" or did that die with the 90s?

I guess blogging time = time the sun sinks low enough in the sky that it seeps through our windows and burns my retinas. At least there's sun at all!

And by that I mean it's been blistering hot here. It was supposedly 94 degrees in the city today (according to my iPhone's weather), and I buy it! Combined with how humid it was, I was feeling pretty smart about wearing (long) shorts to work today. Also since our building so conveniently decided that today would be a good day to save energy, and they shut off all the AC. THE ONE TIME I ACTUALLY NEEDED THE AC. I was sitting there dripping on my keyboard and praying the minutes would pass faster and I could escape to the icy cold Muni...which of course was crowded and therefore not icy cold (and smelled rank like your worst BO ever). And to think that I usually shake my fist at our unusually powerful AC in my office. Oh Fate, you are a cruel wench.

Even Milo was laying face-up on the bed again when I came home, and his feet were literally sticking up in the air and his head was back. Trying to spread out as much as possible to cool off, I guess. Unfortunately, I was too sweaty and nasty to want to move enough to get my camera. He also tried to jump closer to the window, which is swinging WIIIIIDE open these days, and he missed the ledge and was THIS close to jumping OUT of the window. Again. Fortunately, he panicked and jumped back onto the floor, where he landed in a pile of sockets and wires and just sat there, waiting to be electrocuted.

I love my life.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hot August Nights

Finally, we have a little heat here in the city! And when it rains, it pours. Combined with the ever-present but seldom-felt humidity here, it was pretty awesomely hot and sticky to the point where I wanted to go back indoors. Oh San Francisco, if only you were like this more often.

I've officially entered in the home stretch of studying for my GRE. And by that I mean I studied a little bit a couple months ago, then signed up for it this past weekend...to take it in 4 weeks. I feel fine with that but I'm pretty sure Nolan is panicking on my behalf. So I'm switching from not blogging because I'm tired from meetings all day to maybe blogging a little less because I'm stuck studying every night. Blah.

On another note, I've settled on my Halloween costume FAR ahead of schedule this year. It was between a giant banana, a nun, and I toyed with the idea of going as Hermione again and making Nolan be Harry Potter this time (since he sincerely regretted not doing so last year). But I'm not doing any of those.
And I had to add this, to show just how hot it is and how poorly Milo is adapted to it. He was laying like this on our bed when I walked in. Hah!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


As much as I like having time alone, I don't like it when Nolan's shifts take him away from me. Even worse, Milo is a holy terror when it's just the two of us, because the only person he respectfully fears is Nolan. So he's careening around the house, tearing up the rug, digging through his food container, and at one point he actually launched himself at my thigh, wrapped his paws around it, and sunk his fangs into my buttocks. YES. It's like he's possessed and Nolan is some kind of fakir.

Also, we're at that point in the summer where the sun sets right at the place where it shines through our window brightly at about 7:30pm and blinds us all. So here I sit slurping my cereal and shielding my eyes from the bright night sun. That sounds weird. However, I guess I can't complain because it's the first sign of sun we've seen in weeks.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I have a dream

I feel a little bit sacrilegious writing about this with that title, but: Last night I had a very vivid dream about smelly cheese, and it kept me from sleeping. And I really don't say that to be funny, I mean, it was MISERABLE. We had pizza last night for dinner, and the cheese was, okay, a little greasy and whatnot, and the smell was on my hands for awhile until I washed them before bed. BUT, that still is no reason why I should have dreamed that I smelled rotten cheese so violently that I almost threw up a couple times. And I couldn't sleep because of this stinking pizza-cheese smell all around me. I swear, it was awful. Can we say lucid dreams?

I'm also a little bit warm and pink and itchy, because I spent a LOVELY weekend in Davis with Ash U., and we spent many hours in the sun and swimming at the pool. So I got just a bit tanned and pink. Heh. Maybe that had something to do with my weirdo dreams. Sun fever?

Nolan has refused to watch Harry Potter with me tonight after our cleaning party, and won't listen to the Harry Potter Pandora station that I so lovingly built. So while he is out moving his motorcycle for street-cleaning, I switched our Pandora playlist to my Harry Potter one, and am soaking it up for the 5 minutes that I can until he gets back and discovers it. Also desperately trying to swat Milo away from the table where he keeps poaching pieces of sauteed tofu off of my plate while I'm sneakily changing the music.

In case you were thinking that your life was spiraling out of control without my charming and witty blogs to keep you rollin', you'll have to hold on a bit longer. I'll be back up and running next week sometime. But until then, I'm trying to just hold on to my sanity myself.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

status update

Sitting here with dripping wet hair, trying to distract myself from the cream cheese blueberry dip in the fridge, after getting the laundry done and having some tasty tofu and veggie stir-fry (yum!), and knowing I have to get dressed soon for going out to a local wine bar and thinking that watching Harry Potter sounds good right about now.

Also my arms are weak from today's yoga. I'm gonna have Madonna arms, SOB.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


In keeping with my New Year's resolution, I did a lot of cooking today to make up for the not-so-stellar workweek. In my defense, Nolan's been working nightshifts and I usually have dinner plans with a friend, but okay I know that isn't an excuse.

So I experimented with a few things today, from blueberry cream cheese dip to tofu stir-fried in fresh ginger and garlic, to spicy (REALLY spicy!) sweet and sour thai noodles. So while Nolan was napping tonight (he sleeps until about 9pm), I thought I'd make something that would help him out at the hospital tonight and keep him awake. And I'm sorry that even with a real camera my picture-taking skills just really suck:

The mexi-mochas were made with a lot of spices and sugar and brewed strong coffee, with a dollop of home-made whipped cream and heath bits on top, and the coffee-nut muffins were made with (ready for this?) espresso powder, brewed strong coffee and coffee glaze on top. So we're sitting down and eating this at 9:30pm and I only just realized that this is a bad idea. Also Milo took a bite of my muffin. It's a shame my kitchen's already clean, because I can feel my pupils dilating and my hands shaking already. You'll find me at 3am frantically polishing my pans while Milo is sprinting around and doing freaky things in his corner. We is crazy.

ps - the GIANT mochas and the muffins were awesome, and it's made me think that maybe if I ever do open my own coffee shop, I'll name it "THE COFFEE SHOP" and sell only coffee products like giant mochas and coffee-muffins, and coffee-cookies and coffee beans, and don't you try and steal my idea now because I KNOW IT'S GOOD.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


While posting all those Peru pics, I listened all the way through the Alborada "Five Spirits" album many times. And now I keep chanting these epic howls in my head over and over and it's like singing that Beatles song backwards and hearing "Paul is dead. Paul is dead." and not really knowing what it means. But I like it.

Nolan's been working crazy shifts (ok he just started today) at Highland on his ER rotation, and when I came home, he was awake, but had planned to be asleep, obviously:

...since he'll be working the super late shifts for the next few days, we'll just leave that sign there for me.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


When you're busy, things sort of swirl around in a haze. When you're not, things sort of swirl around in a haze. Why is that when I have a free night, I end up wasting it by like, googling Justin Bieber's hair secrets or something?

I finally posted all of our Peru pictures on Facebook, so you can go look (I think they're public?). Also I don't feel like uploading them here. I'm tired of uploading.

Aaaand speaking of tired, I am.

So hopefully I'll be more interesting manana.