Monday, October 17, 2011


This photo from yesterday sums up a lot of our life right now:

I feel like we spend a lot of our time waiting for what's next around the bend. Waiting for the next step in our ever-changing lives. We spend a lot of time wearing clothes that aren't normal, because our jobs require us to and because we're rarely found lounging around at home. And I spend a lot of my time savouring every moment with Nolan, waiting for him to wake up and recover from his ridiculously demanding job.

But this picture also captures something else: that moment of calm that we have, where we can rest between engagements and just close our eyes for a second or 10 minutes before we have to get up and put on our game-faces. And do you see that faint glint in my eyes? It's happiness. And hope. Because even though we're still adjusting to this phase of life, we're happy. We have everything we could ask for. We have each other. And we have hope that sometime soon we'll get more time to spend together doing whatever we want to do. Most likely sleeping in and sipping coffee slowly, or riding our bikes to frozen yogurt and coming up with clever ways to win at Carcassonne. Travelling. Kayaking. The list goes on and on.

Until we get there,there are other things to be excited about. Like awesome fall food, good times with friends, the 15 minutes I get to spend with Nolan on Wednesday mornings (the only time we get between his 1 day "off" on the weekend), and the amazing fall weather we're having! It's made our home surprisingly warm for October. Milo's generally found on the floor, trying to cool off. He's used to huddling with me in the freezing San Francisco cold.

Not to mention the holidays, which are creeping steadily closer. I've already got half of our Christmas presents taken care of, and this morning I succumbed to my Christmas playlist, which I can actually load onto my phone now that I have more storage space! Sadly, while I was unashamedly listening to the Muppet Christmas Carol soundtrack, my coworkers were too, since I later discovered that my headphones weren't plugged in. Fail.

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