Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today felt like the holidays. There was rain slanting against my window, I had a hot coffee warming my hands, and I was listening to Christmas music. Plus I keep getting those groupon deals and other spam about early Christmas savings..."get it now!". So all in all, it's a good day. I realized the other day that this is my absolute favourite time of year, and I'm not enjoying it as much as I should because I keep getting distracted by all the planning! So this is me stopping, taking a breath, and revelling in the most wonderful time of year.

1. I'm thankful for the last two days of offsite training. It made me miss my cubicle, and I think that was needed.
2. I'm thankful for my new bike! It's so fun to have something that Nolan and I both can do together! Whenever we finally get a chance to go, that is...
3. I'm thankful for a weekend of family coming up! Tomorrow night we see The Lion King with my in-laws, and then my parents are joining us the next day for a trip to the Oregon Ducks vs. Cal Bears game tomorrow night. Fun!
4. I'm thankful for bootcamp after work with my friend today. This is recovery week for P90X and I have so much energy I think I'm going to bounce out of my chair. It's ridiculous. So I'm glad I get a chance to burn off some of that extra energy!
5. I'm thankful for Nolan, who not only keeps me sane, but also loves me unconditionally. He's the funniest, smartest, and kindest person I know - I am so lucky to have him!

What are you thankful for?

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