Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Ok guys, I wanted to wait to blog again until I had a picture of our new Christmas stockings, but alas! I'm only mostly done with Nolan's. Mine and Milo's (yes, I made one for my cat) are just two sad sacks (hah - arrested development, anyone?) right now. Boo. But that's what a few days off is good for, right? So no pictures yet. Maybe tomorrow?

I get to take off a bit early from work today, and Nolan is working his first overnight shift on this rotation (7am today until 11am tomorrow, ouch!), so I made a point of not making plans tonight and having a night in alone! It feels like it's been so long! So far my agenda is:

5pm - Walk to the grocery store. Possibly buy "sample size" (read: white trash) mini-bottle of cheap red wine for dinner. Possibly. I can't bear to open a whole bottle just to take one glass!
5:30pm - Last workout of the day
6pm - Dinner...and a bath?
7pm - Start making dessert and veg on the couch. You know I can't NOT have dessert!
8pm - See if Nolan wants a visitor who will bring him a coffee and little treat :)
9pm - Think about working on stockings, choose not to, and watch an episode of something instead. Or read. I'm in the middle of "Scaramouche" right now and it's exciting!
10pm - Most likely go to bed...a whole hour later than usual! I'm a rebel.

Doesn't it sound glorious? I'm betting it will end up being less luxurious than that and involve more chores that I find to do...but here's hoping!

Quote of the week:
Nolan (from the shower): "What does Redken mean?"
Me: "What? Redken?"
Nolan: "Yeah. Like, 'to Redken' something?"
Me: "Uhh...I don't..."
Nolan: "Well ok so your shampoo bottle says "Shines as well as Redken".
Me: "Bahahahaha! OH! Redken is a brand of hair products. It's comparing its quality to a more expensive brand."
Nolan: "...oh."

How can you not love him?


Heidi said...

Hahaha!!! That Redken story!

Also, I'm kind of jealous that your husband will let you make new stockings. It's been my MISSION for the past three Christmases to get new, matching stockings. But Dan refuses to let go of the stocking from his childhood. But every year Pottery Barn has the most beautiful stockings! I'm hoping that when we have a baby I can use that as leverage. "Don't you want us all - as a family - to have matching stockings?" A girl can hope...

Anyway...all of that to say I'm excited to see the stockings!

neighboUr said...

Haha! Nolan was the same way with the stockings! But I made them anyway because I thought they'd be cute, and once he saw them and how much time I spent on them, he decided he was okay having those be our family stockings. I think he was picturing me making like...the homemade equivalent of our old walgreens stockings. The baby thing is good leverage, hah!