Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

What do you think, is 3 posts in 4 days enough contrition for being a slacker lately? Or is it really that interesting to read about how I like to eat eggs now? Anyway, here I am and guess what? It's Thursday! Since I've already drained my list of quasi totally uninteresting topics, I'm going to jump right in.

1. I'm thankful for early mornings. I'm totally a morning person, and so waking up at 4:30am every Thursday for 90 minutes of yoga before work is awesome. It's silent, peaceful...and it's complete "me" time.
2. I'm thankful for Christmas music! Nothing makes me feel jolly like some good ole Bing Crosby or, dare I say, Roger Whittaker.
3. I'm thankful for free time tonight! I have a lot I need to get done at home, and finally have some time to do it. Let's see how good I can be at ignoring chores - my constant distraction!
4. I'm thankful for good food with good friends. We had a fun dinner with some friends last night and it really reminded me how grateful I am to have friends that you can just relax with and enjoy a nice meal.
5. I'm thankful for another good book - I don't know how I keep managing to find such great ones! Today I hopped on the elliptical at lunch with the kindle, and when I looked up I had burned too many calories and there was only 3 minutes left of my workout. Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini - it's a classic and it's free on read it! There's not much that can top a really good book!

What are you thankful for?

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