Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pre, pre, pre-vacation stress

We have another fun vacation coming up in May, and I know that is a little ways off, but we've gone back and forth and back and forth about how to spend it. So my final decision is due to Nolan tonight for where we're going (Turkey or Thailand are my final choices, eek!), and it's just...so much pressure! Because what if we hate wherever I choose? Or what if it ends up being way too much travel in-country and not as much adventuring, or what if, or what if...

The possibilities are endless. Sigh.

So instead, I'm taking a little break from trip-researching, and thinking about dessert. Because that's my favourite thing to think about, isn't it?
I made this little cheesecake (faux cheesecake, don't worry! It was healthy :) ) souffle last week, and enjoyed it while my mouth hung open and I gaped in horror at what's happening on Downton Abbey.

The sad thing is, I have a picture of that dumb souffle, but not of the amazing meals we had this weekend! We travelled to 2 countries (with friends this time!), and it was oh-so-delicious. But again, in the midst of cooking and enjoying every bite, I forgot to take pictures! So bad. Maybe next time?

Saturday night we divvied up main courses and came together with our prizes, ready to enjoy. We had spicy Pad Thai, Massaman Curry (with a South Indian twist to it!), Thai Iced Tea, Rice, Vegetables, Satay Chicken with Peanut Sauce, and of course Mango on Sticky Rice with Coconut Sauce. So we travelled to Thailand! It was SO GOOD. I've been having leftovers each day since.

Sunday night we went on more of an adventure, to a place we've never been (or remembered existed!). We had Mouton aux Arachides (Lamb with Peanuts) with Rice and Flan au Citron (Lemony Flan) with Blackberries. So...we went to Benin!

Sunday afternoon, we spent being lazy before our big dinner, and doing one of our favourite things: games. Nolan took this picture at some point while I was contemplating my next move. Consider this a picture of me in the wild, because I generally don't include nasty pictures like this of me in my jammies and robe. But I guess it's accurate, even down to the detail of Milo in the bottom of the frame :)

Next time I'll remember to dress up a little for game-playing.

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