Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's late and I have an early start for skiing tomorrow, so I'm going to make this short and sweet! A lot to be thankful for again this week!

1. I'm thankful for warm clothes and a roof over my head. It's been frigid here (if you live elsewhere in the country, go ahead and laugh at us Californians for thinking 30 degrees F is cold...but it is!), and I can't imagine being homeless or not having proper clothing for this kind of weather, or being hungry while trying to keep warm. I am so grateful for everything God has blessed me with, including those things I usually take for granted.
2. I'm thankful for so much time with Nolan! It's great to be on vacation already again and have time to just relax and be at our leisure and go skiing and eat dinner slowly together.
3. I'm thankful for a chance to catch some extra sleep! Who knows when next we'll get days on end to sleep in again. I slept until 7:40 this morning and it was glorious.
4. I'm thankful for time to spend with my brothers! I love spending time with all of my family, but I am extra thankful for time getting to know the extraordinary men in my life.
5. I'm thankful for my health. So many people have gotten hit hard with sickness or incapacity this year, and I feel very lucky to not be one of them (knock on wood!).

What are you thankful for?

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