Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's official. We've made our decision about the vacation. Yesterday we threw Italy into our decision bucket with Thailand and Turkey, and after multiple midnight discussions (no, seriously), we've decided to go to...

Philadelphia, New York, and Washington DC

Haha! Did that surprise you as much as it surprised me? After much back and forth, and running numbers as well as planning for future vacations, it made the most sense. I'm always a little ashamed that I've been so FEW places in my own country, though so many around the world. So though I've been to New York a couple times, and driven through Washington DC, I feel like this will be a chance for us to really appreciate our own roots. And take in some good Broadway shows along the way! Other factors into the decision are the fact that we're planning a very extended trip to Southeast Asia and the Pacific in a year and a half (so why fly all the way to Thailand when we're planning to be there soon again anyway?), that we have TONS of Southwest miles to spend, and that Italy and Turkey would be fun to do when we have a little more time and cash to blow on pizza and gelato. And we'll be out of the country a few more times before residency ends anyway, so we might as well look around here!

So! America the beautiful it is! And I've already figured out which shows will be on Broadway while we're there...

This week:

1. I'm thankful that we figured out where we're going, finally! So much pressure = gone. Now the exciting part of trip-planning begins!
2. I'm thankful for my trip to Atlanta next week! I'm getting antsy with my daily routine and need a little change thrown in.
3. I'm thankful for my gym! I had a personal training session this week and it was glorious. New obsession: foam rolling. I already feel loads better and somehow even stronger. However, I spent an hour at work this morning with a hard baseball wedged between my upper back muscles and the chair, rolling around on it and working knots out (yesterday was a back workout day) and trying not to groan out loud. Time to invest in my own foam roller for home, I think.
4. I'm thankful for the weather starting to warm up and the days starting to get just slightly longer. Trust me, when you're used to driving to work with an iced-over windshield and it's pitch black outside, you notice when things start to thaw and lighten up a bit. Spring is coming!
5. I'm thankful for the joy of novelty! Whether it's new food (we've been creative lately!), or switching up work-out routines, I love trying new things!

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Heidi said...

No way!!! For the last little while we'he been tossing around the idea of going to D.C.! I'm so jealous! :) Well...and not to mention my borderline obnoxious interest in JFK and anything to do with him. (Please don't judge...) Have so much fun!!