Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Is it really Thursday? I feel a little bit like I'm missing something, and it's actually only Tuesday. I guess it's a good thing that I'm closer to my holiday weekend, but strange nonetheless. Honestly, what I'm looking forward to most this weekend is seeing Nolan on Saturday. After so long of seeing him ALL the time, a few days without seeing him feel hard! Saturday I'm also doing a fun workout and run with my friend Julie, and then having a nice protein-brunch with her afterwards. Then Nolan will be waking up shortly after that! Sounds like a promising day already.

This morning I forgot that my alarm had been turned off the day before, so instead of waking up at 5 for my workout, I woke up at 5:22, and those 22 minutes were just enough that I couldn't squeeze a workout in AND make it to work when I wanted to. So that means a workout after work, while dinner is cooking. I can't even tell you how lazy I felt getting ready for work without having gotten my heart rate up at all yet. Early morning exercise is a lovely habit - my favourite- and it's a tough one to miss. At least I didn't make any other plans tonight!

So this week...

1. I'm thankful for friends! I just started connecting with folks again since before the winter holidays, and it's refreshing! I like having a packed social calendar with good friends :)
2. I'm thankful for new weight training exercises I discovered. I was in need of varying my gym routine a bit, and found some new exercises that challenge me and are really fun! I can't say enough how great it is to do weights during the week as a complement to the Insanity program.
3. I'm thankful for a chance to see Nolan a bit this weekend! I miss him. It's weird seeing someone asleep next to you but not having actually "seen" them in several days.
4. I'm thankful for so much fun skiing and seeing friends and family last week! It was a really peaceful and restorative vacation and I feel great.
5. I'm thankful for days starting to get a little bit longer. I know it's only by a few minutes at this point, but when you're up and off to work way before the sun rises, and home after it sets, it's nice to think about seeing daylight again soon!

What are you thankful for?

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