Tuesday, January 15, 2013

snow days

Last week was Nolan's first vacation of the year, so he headed up the mountain for some skiing and quality time in Placerville with my family. I joined him Tuesday night and we whiled away the week relaxing by the fire and hot tub, playing games, reading, seeing friends and of course skiing. I haven't been skiing since high school (just snowboarding since!), so I was a little nervous, but with some tips from my own personal instructor ;) I was able to pick it right back up! I now realize what a terrible snowboarder I was.

Down side of the whole week? Getting so ridiculously cold on the mountain that my fingers weren't moving and I had to call it quits for the day mid-afternoon. I'm not sure if it's sad or just plain pathetic that I had tears of pain running down my cheeks on the last run, while at the same time feeling slightly elated about carving down the mountain. Weird.

Coming home from vacation is always the WORST part. Especially when you have no prep time between vacay and going back to work. Blah. It's now Tuesday and I just finished unpacking our things and have some cleaning still left to do. I was this close to letting Nolan talk me into taking another PTO day and staying up there another day (and he tried!).

So, I do have pictures somewhere. Probably on Nolan's camera and phone, but as I'm tired and don't have either of those with me, I'll add pictures later. I think I have some late ones on there from Christmas too. Oh well.

Happy Tuesday!

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