Monday, February 11, 2013

a pensive shot

Saturday was our time to catch up and enjoy our time together before Nolan headed out to his conference in Nevada this week. So we had protein pancakes with fruit and almond butter, coffee, and then we sat in the patch of sun on our carpet and played Scrabble while Milo preened and threw himself all over us.

Nolan finally got the money shot close-up of Milo he's been trying to get for years. Usually it ends up being an action shot or an angry-looking blurry face, but Milo was so calm and affectionate (!), we got a nice one. Tell me he isn't becoming a cat person after all.
Love this little face!
The rest of Saturday was equally glorious. I had gotten in my workout + shower before Nolan even woke up, so I could be pretty lazy the rest of the day! After Scrabble we got dressed, and headed over to our fave Vietnamese place for some tasty lunch, then stopped at the store for a few supplies for our "project", and spent the next couple hours...cake balling! I had planned to attend a cake ball palooza on Friday night with a bunch of girlfriends, but by the time I picked up Nolan from work and got home, I was already half an hour late, and it was a 45 minute drive there. So the cakeballs I'd already made sat in the freezer, waiting for a destiny that didn't involve me eating them all (Spoiler: they were peanut-butter flavoured; what do you think happened?). So we hit "play" on an episode of Elementary (possible new favourite show?), and melted down some chocolate and got to dipping. I dipped, he decorated. And we had some beauties (of course I forgot to take pictures, what do you expect?)! Also some creepy ones with loppy smiley faces made of runny icing. We figured, if we wrapped up 2 for each of his colleagues and sent them to Vegas on the plane, that would be a good use of them. Lo and behold, we had about 7 too many, and Nolan wouldn't let me send anymore with him. Do you know what happened then? Because I do. And it was terrible.

I ate them.

Okay, I didn't eat all of them. Just 5. JUST 5. Ohmygosh. Do you know what went into those cake balls? I think 5 was my daily allowance of sugar, fat, and calories with no good nutritional value. And I know cake balls are pretty tiny and all, but I tell you what - I haven't felt that sick since the gingerbread incident of December 2012.

I envied Nolan and his measly 2 cakeballs in his belly. But you know there is no man that can standeth between me and peanut butter.

Annual binge? CHECK.

Do you know what we did then? We went into our room, and we napped like nobody's business. Because nothing says "I live a healthy lifestyle" like popping cakeballs and licking chocolate off of your fingers while watching tv, and then crawling into bed and taking a nap. We're going to be awesome parents someday.

By some miracle, I was actually a tiny bit hungry when dinner rolled around, and so we had tasty steak salads and waltzed around the living room to Frank Sinatra.

Best day ever.

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