Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This week has been a little tough. Our "houseguest" is not only causing chaos around the house, but keeps me up all night (Nolan wears earplugs) by digging at the doors and throwing herself against walls. It's terrible. And guess who isn't happy when she doesn't sleep well? Me.

I also am detoxing from desserts this week. Although surprisingly, it's been pretty dang easy. Huh. Could be because I overdosed the last couple weeks. Or because I'm letting myself down slowly. For example, Tuesday I had a piece of warm almond-meal zucchini loaf with my bowl of chili, and that satisfied me.

I don't think there is anything wrong with having dessert every night, as long as they are healthy desserts (so...not those ridiculous things you see on pinterest) for the most part, and as long as it's to satisfy caloric needs and not send you way over what your body needs. But I'm trying to back off, because it's becoming something I feel like I "need" every night. A habit. And that's no good.

So, aside from the things I need to deal with personally this week :)...

1. I'm thankful for perspective. This morning I was doing yoga and sipping a hot cup of coffee, and I realized that no matter how frustrated I may get with this little cat who is staying with us, she is one of God's creatures too, and I should treat her lovingly. That thought set the tone for the rest of my day.
2. I'm thankful for time with Nolan. I've been lucky enough to have dinner dates with him several times this week!
3. I'm thankful for friends. Whether it's a yoga or workout buddy, or game-lovers at our game nights, we have a great group and a lot of fun and support.
4. I'm thankful for little moments of bliss. Right now, it's my european cafe music pandora station while I choose my workout for tomorrow morning.
5. I'm thankful for change! Speaking of workouts, I've changed mine up and I'm loving it! I was doing Insanity or P90X Doubles for over a year and seriously I am pretty tired of being on a schedule instead of doing what I feel like! So now, this is what I'm doing:
MWFSat: 20+ minutes of HIIT each morning (and come up with my HIIT workout the night before! fun!), followed by 30 minutes light cardio. On my lunch break I head to the gym and do 40-60 minutes of weights and strength training.
Tuesday: Rowing machine and another type of cardio (sometimes spinning, sometimes treadmill, sometimes elliptical, sometimes stairclimber...) for an hour at lunch.
Thursday: YOGA! 
Sunday: supposed to be a day off, but I've found that I really can't do that. So I go on a really long walk. I tried taking a complete day off once and I almost killed somebody. I literally have too much energy to be able to function properly if I don't burn some off.
So far I'm LOVING the flexibility of choosing what I do each day. I'm trying to fit in foam rolling too, but it's hard to find the time! And I love trying new things and being constantly amazed at what my body is capable of!

What are you thankful for?

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