Monday, February 25, 2013

Cat naps

For many years, I professed to not be a napper. I hated naps, and I claimed I always did and would. Then I married a man who has to nap like a champ just to function at his job. And I entered my late twenties. And somehow I discovered that they're not so bad afterall! In fact, I try to sneak one in at least once a week on a weekend day now. Sometimes it still doesn't sound appealing, but other times I can imagine nothing better than laying on the couch with a blanket and either the sun shining in the window on me or listening to the rain outside. Yesterday, while Nolan was working a brutal 24 hours at the hospital, I was shopping, eating slowly, spending time on the elliptical while catching a few episodes of a show, and napping. I feel like such a sloth! But Milo appreciated it:
 I took that show when my alarm went off, and thought I'd catch a sweet picture of him asleep all stretched out on my lap, but he decided to wake up and yawn as the shutter closed. Oh well.

I also made a startling discovery on Friday night. We had a little date night, so I thought I'd try something different. Something I've always wanted to like but just couldn't: FISH! And so I found some delicious fresh fish at the store, found a marinade that claimed to convert a non-fish eater to a fish-lover, and got to work. I have to admit, after smelling the marinade I'm pretty sure it would make me enjoy even the foulest dish...but that aside, I think I've seen the light! We had a tasty big filet of salmon, marinaded for a couple hours, then covered with thyme, minced garlic, and a tiny bit of flaked almond. It was heavenly. I kept stealing pieces off of Nolan's chunk of fish. Behold the miracle:
This week? I'm trying a new kind of fish (whatever is fresh!), and a new way of preparing just to see if that magical marinade was the cause of such food-love.

So what, now I like fish, eggs, naps...what other lifelong habits are going to change?

Also: tried a tapas place with the girls last night in Menlo Park. Verdict? Delicious, but I've officially confirmed by comparison that "serving size" means a totally different thing here than it does in Atlanta.
Atlanta tapas bar: "Here is your overflowing plate of squid that you literally can't fit in your belly!"
Menlo Park tapas bar: "Here is your tiny piece of beef the size of your thumbnail!"

1 comment:

Mrs. Campbell said...

Yes! Welcome to the world of napping- isn't it lovely? :-)