Tuesday, February 19, 2013

turkish delight

I won't recap our Valentine's Day and tell you that it was amazing, because everyone is sick of hearing about V-day by now, and let's be honest, I'm not the best storyteller. But it was amazing! And we did remember to take a picture of our adventure on Valentine's Day. Just 1. Better than 0, right?
Turkish food! So tasty!

This weekend, my little brother came to stay and play with us! There was much working out, coffee, being generally lazy, and eating. Yes, there was a lot of eating. We visited Nolan at the hospital Saturday evening and brought him dinner, and then decided to opt for my decadent dessert option on Saturday night with a movie. So we had a tiny dinner and then a beast of a dessert. It was rough. I had to toss the last bit of it. But it was also delicious and fantastic.

Okay, so this picture is way darker than I thought. I'll post it anyway. It's a picture of my brother with his giant piece of dessert, which I've also included a close-up of below:

Behold: sex in a pan.
No, really. That's what it's called. And it is incredible and probably should never be eaten in the quantities I had it in last week. I had 1/4 recipe to myself Monday night with a friend, bites here and there throughout the week with Nolan, then another 1/4 recipe on Saturday with Nate. Terrible! Even if the ingredients are healthy, one can only handle so much richness. Phew! We made the bottom two layers for a game night on Sunday, but replaced the SUPER rich mousse with a light strawberry topping. Still healthy, but still difficult to handle in large quantities (trust me, I tried!).

Monday, not only did the cat we're babysitting keep me up all night, but I had volunteered to drive Nolan to work early. So I  was up at 4am making coffee and laying on the couch trying to get the dumb  cats to settle down. They settled down at 4:45. Nolan got up at 4:50. Sigh.

Nate had to head back up the hill later that morning (sniff), so I spent the rest of the day making a big batch of turkey chili and almond-meal zucchini bread, doing a nice long yoga session with a friend, and relaxing until Nolan was ready to be picked up from work for dinner and a relaxing evening together.

I love holiday weekends!

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