Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thankful Thursday

2 weeks of reading War and Peace and I'm still slogging through it at only about 35-40% done. I cannot believe how slow this book is going, and I'm a fast reader! On the positive side, I've become ensnared by some of the plot lines, so I actually look forward to cracking it open on each BART ride and at the gym.

And I'm thankful for that, because I need me a good book like I need water. On to more gratefulness, yes?

1. I'm thankful for my job. I like coming in to work, I like my coworkers, and love what I do! And I've been praised and rewarded (I got a raise this week!) so that I feel appreciated and needed, and that's always a good thing.
2. I'm thankful for Nolan's day off today! I love it when he's home when I get home! And I love spending time with him <3
3. I'm thankful for coffee.
4. I'm thankful for my commute. Apparently the BART has been a rough ride for a lot of folks recently, impacted by protests, etc. I haven't been affected by this so far, and I'm still liking the commute alright.
5. I'm thankful for our new fridge. FINALLY. It's about the same size (boo) but it's a nice one, and most importantly: it works! Monday morning I opened our old crappy one that had broken already twice, and the door...fell off! And almost crushed my foot and then pinned me against the wall! THAT WAS IT. So I put in a "firm" call to our landlord with a couple demands. Heh.

I'm thankful for so many other things, and feeling particularly thankful this week to boot, but I also want to get on that "spending time with Nolan" thing! So happy weekend to all!

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