Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

The light at the end of the tunnel! I can see it...I think. These couple weeks have been bad. Especially this week. Not bad meaning there weren't some fun things I did, but just because I've felt the stress rolling off of me in waves. I've been longing to get to Friday evening for weeks, and now I'm almost there. So close! Today I finally got around to unpacking some more boxes at work, and I'm starting to feel a *tiny* bit more settled on our new floor. I even managed to snap a few pictures during the week.
movin' on up! well...6 floors, anyway.
The facilities team who coordinated the moving of all the impacted floors realized that they did a crappy job and tried to atone for it with a granola bar, a little note, and a Starbucks card. I can see right through these tricks! But I'll accept the gifts anyway.
 My new cube. Sigh. So depressing with the move stickers all over it and nothing on the walls. The boxes are behind me in this picture, so it doesn't look as impressively depressing. You also can't tell very well that I lost a couple square feet of space :( But! There are shelves in the locker units! There's a silver lining after all.

That move has been just one of many huge time-sucks that's dropped on these few weeks. So let me take a second and reflect on some of the really good things.

1. I'm thankful that I've still had time to spend with Nolan. Not as much this week as I'd like, but we got to spend each morning and evening together last weekend, and it was glorious. Renewing.
2. I'm thankful our women's small group kicked off successfully. With 23 ladies all coming together to study, it can be a bit challenging to plan...but I can already tell this is going to be a beautiful time each week.
3. I'm thankful that although overwhelmed, I haven't dropped the ball on anything either at work or at home (that I'm aware of). Knowing I had to fail or give up on something would have killed me.
4. I'm thankful for breakthroughs! Tomorrow is the last business-day of our fiscal year, which means I have some deliverables due. After much hemming and hawing, I finally had an "aha" discovery this week that is going to allow me to finish up strong, and hopefully exactly like I wanted.
5. I'm thankful for Easter this weekend and some really good quality time with family! Looking forward to hitting the "reset" button in many ways!

What are you thankful for?

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