Monday, October 5, 2009

tide to-go

Having Nolan home is like having a heater back in your house during the winter after weeks of living in the cold. Literally. I had to pull out the summer pjs again because his body heat combined with Milo's curled up next to me was more than I could handle. Milo has been so pleased to have his friend back at home too. In fact, he has been celebrating by wearing Nolan's favourite outfit, his dress whites:

And yes, I realize that posting this picture makes me officially one of "those" people who buy outfits for their cats, but! Doesn't he look cute! You can't deny it! Who could say no to that little face! Put your hand down, Ash.

N and I have a competition on for who can pack the best for Europe. I threw myself into that arena because, let's face it: I am the world's best packer. I'm bringing the BARE minimum, and I know Nolan won't be able to beat it. I mean, when they told us we could only bring 44 pounds of belongings to Israel last summer, guess who beat all the boys and only brought 27 pounds! HUH! This is what I'll pass down to my children someday, since I can't share the "I walked home in the snow barefoot 3 miles with 50 pounds on my back so stop your whining" old story. My kids will just know how to pack the least amount of underwear and shoes possible to get through a vacation. My secret? Pack travel-laundry soap. That way I still wear clean stuff, but save space. ANYWAY: I was thinking I would win this competition until N decided that the rules clearly stipulate that it isn't based on weight, but on the number of items, and he also said that the judges WILL be counting every piece of makeup I bring. SOB!

Also: I have reawakened the candy bowl at work, and I think this might have been a mistake. I'm going to have to lock it up to keep myself from rummaging.

Quote of the day:
"Ash: I suppose that hideous creature is a little cute
But ONLY in his uniform"

Europe: 36 hours!

1 comment:

Noemma said...

Eeeee...Milo looks sooo cute!