Monday, October 26, 2009

You make me happy, when skies are gray...

Well, drives up to Placerville are always fun. The traffic, the sweltering heat (70% of the year), and the hours in the car debating stopping for dinner and losing time or just sticking it out and starving. The highlight this past time was Milo. He sat like a little wilted flower on my lap and under the seat the entire time, until Nolan started driving like a crazy person ("I love these roads!") on the backroads, and about 2 miles from home, it finally got to him and the dry-heaving began. A split-second later and I aimed him at my pants while he wet-heaved and vomited chunky kibble all over my pants. At least he didn't get it all over the car, whew! Needless to say, he was starving when he walked through the door.

The weekends there are actually really fun though. So relaxing and enjoyable--it always makes us wonder what we're doing in the city. Huh. I went to Target on Saturday to get some scrapbooking stuff, and laying on the curb by where I parked was a child's vampire costume. It just so happens, that I can wear most child sizes, and I don't have a Halloween costume yet. So I snatched it up and voila! it fits! So now I'm going as a child vampire for Halloween, wooo! Sometimes being tiny has its perks.

Today was the start of my getting back into shape after vacation period. So we'll see how it goes. So far: no coffee and no nasty foods. Other than some Halloween candy. Heh.

I usually dread waking up on Mondays because let's face it, it's just depressing. But I LIKE it when I get woken up not by an alarm at 6:30am, but by someone big and warm peeling back my covers and kissing my forehead and singing "You Are My Sunshine." Life is good.

Quote of the day:
"What is wrong with this woman? She is asking about stuff that is nobody's business. What do I do? Really, what do I do here? I should have written it down. Qua-something. Qua. Quash. Quarbo. Quabity. Quabity assuance. No. No, no, no, but I'm getting close." - Creed from The Office

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