Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Viva Las Vegas

So bloglings, I'm finally up to writing a post, though I've been busy and exhausted too much even to blog. So you know I'm serious. Also it means I've given up my yoga classes for 2 weeks just to keep up with everything and that makes me so mad! At nothing in particular.

On a brighter note, I'll post that Vegas was...interesting, and my suite was AMAZING. Click here to see for yourself! Take the virtual tour! I had plenty of wine and sex-on-the-beach(es), and even spent some time lounging out by the pool, which was awesome. I bought a glamourous wide-brimmed hat to keep my San Francisco skin safe from the sun :)

I am definitely glad to be back with my little friend here though, with 2.5 weeks until Nolan returns to us, and life goes on as it should be.

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