Thursday, December 11, 2008

Merry PC Holiday

Each time I go to Walgreens now it's like a little surprise, waiting to see what festive rubbers finger condom lady has donned in spirit of the season. We're still at pink and white as of today, but I'm pushing for a green. Or maybe a patterned one. I read in this blog that apparently more and more people are wearing them to protect their touch screens from grease. Yes, finger condoms are becoming a trend.

Hopefully we won't progress too far in this trend...

Yes, that is a 2500 condom dress you are ogling. Tasty.

In case you're new here and don't know who finger condom lady is, or are wondering why I only have two posts, please reference the last 5 years of my life, located at

Last night Milo made his first friend in San Francisco. Our neighbour, Alissa, got a sweet little girl kitty named Lilo, and so we introduced Milo to Lilo. She was a little shocked to see another cat in her territory, to say the least. On the one hand I'm thankful that Milo was pretty calm and was slinking around the apartment avoiding her eyes, until he tried to watch her through the crack in the door, and she totally caught him. On the other hand, I am ashamed to have SUCH A COWARD in my family. CLEARLY Lilo will be wearing the pants in this relationship.

Also: holy crap I am never eating at KFC ever again.

I have been wearing my glasses more recently, now that I resemble more Sarah Palin and less Harry Potter. I just feel better. I also noticed that although I have the anti-glare coating on the outside of my lenses, it isn't on the inside. This means: I practically have a mirror glued inconspicuously to my head. This morning on the Muni, I was watching people behind me. I felt like slowly turning around and cackling, "haHA!" Like Chucky from Child's Play or something. Point being, it's an excellent spy tool, and now I feel like I have eyes on the back of my head. HAH! I briefly considered using them to drive so that I wouldn't have to turn my head at all to switch lanes, but thank goodness I REconsidered.

The week is almost over, and this weekend I get to! laundry. Ah well. One more week until MY (dare I not use the noncommittal word "holiday"?) Christmas break!

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