Thursday, December 18, 2008


I love working downtown. The atmosphere is just...ssssmmmuh...professional. Not to mention the great food, stores everywhere, hustle and bustle, smells...I just love it. Today Nolan joined me for lunch, and after eating we roamed the aisles of Men's Wearhouse and Van Heusen in search of the perfect blazer. Fascinating. Men's clothing stores are like, completely different than women's. No bright colours, no mirrors, no techno music, and fugly carpet. Among other things. And I actually NOTICED these things (or lack thereof). Also: not to be sappy, but...I have the best husband in the world. When he said he was downstairs waiting for me my palms got sweaty and I was nervous and smoothing my hair. Feels like my honeymoon isn't over yet! Don't vomit yet--I think ylehsa summed up how you are probably feeling:
"me: hhhhhh i am getting all sweaty and anxious
Ash: why
me: i can feel the shine sneaking onto my face. cause i see nolan in like 5 minutes!
Ash: what?! it's not like he's going to ravish you for the first time or anything
me: yeah but hhh. i still get nervous when i see him. that is supposed to be a good thing :-P
Ash: seriously? jeez"

That's all I'm going to say because obviously nobody wants to read gush about someone else's husband ;)

On Tuesday we had our holiday luncheon, and I won't distract you by telling you how mouthwateringly fabulous it was, but. seriously.
Also: we played white elephant, and I won a pillowed foot massager. Excellent. I had to excuse myself halfway through the meal because someone brought a book to the table called, "The Gas We Pass: A story of farts". And honestly: I had tear streakage on my cheeks for the rest of the day.

Quote of the day:
Scott: "Dude, don't snap like that! *mutters* I'm not some freaking doormat."
Me: *introduce him to sadtrombone*
Scott: "Ahhhhhhhh. Now we're friends again. Cause I'm easy like Sunday morning."

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