Tuesday, June 16, 2009

two birds

Since Nolan got his motorcycle gear and actual bike, I have been longing to have my own stuff. So we ordered a jacket to keep my torso from being burned off if we crash, and a helmet, to keep my brains all in one convenient location, in case the coroner wants to test the gray matter for rabies.

Pardon the cheesy self-portraiting. That's the best I can do when I'm here with nobody to take the picture for me. I have a half day here at home, because several coworkers and I are going to Sacramento later to see our DC there. Fun times! It just means that I won't be home 'til around midnight...hence the early post here.

ps-Nolan is a good driver and I don't really think he is going to kill me :)

Also in the background of that picture you can kind of see our new down comforter that we got...not that something like that is normally worth writing about, BUT: we got it at while on our Costco date last night (heh), and not only is it super oversized and keeps us SUPER warm with a lot less bulk on our already-huge bed, but it comes in a lot of colours AND was only $26. I feel like I stole it at that price. Point being, it's worth looking into for those of you who have large beds and want the world's most amazing comforter.

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