Anyway. I went down to Santa Barbara for the weekend with some girlfriends, and it was the sweetest time of hanging out and fellowship, laughs, the Newsies soundtrack, and good times. Never have I been so relaxed as I was half-asleep on the grass outside of Roblar winery with friends, digesting our picnic lunch. Plus you can't beat SoCal weather. Tan 2011, here I come.
On Sunday we went to church at Reality Carpinteria, which is the parent church of the church Nolan and I recently started going to, Reality SF. Loved it and being there with friends was pretty special, but then again so was this (click to enlarge):

YES. Kevin Costner, who sat across the aisle from us during the service. Excellent. If I took that picture while pretending to be talking on the phone, does it still make me creepy?
Somehow, no matter how excellent my weekend is, nothing beats coming home to Nolan.
Off to the gym, picking up my dry-cleaning, grocery-shopping, and finally home. Sigh. Happy Monday!
So cool! Did I ever tell you that I once thought I saw Clint Eastwood at Costco in Livermore. His mom lives in L-town so it def within the realm of possiblity.
pfff...and you were scorning me for jokingly wondering if we could take a picture with him. ;)
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