Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Last night, we planned to go bowling, since we didn't make it on Valentine's Day (due to laziness), but instead we ate, watched 5 minutes of a VERY boring movie which actually made us both fall asleep on the couch (and I don't do that easily!), and then decided sleeping was awesome and went to bed. At 6:45. Someone please wheel me back to the nursing home because I'm obviously 90 years old. The beauty of this is that Nolan and I got 9 and 10 hours of sleep, waking up naturally at 4 and 5am respectively. He got major amounts of work done, and I did a nice workout and yoga session all before 6am. I'm secretly tempted to do this once a week at least because it was so awesome...but I guess I should wait until I'm at least out of my twenties.

Valentine's Day this year was probably the best one I've ever had. And it involved some serious barbeque ribs, a mediocre movie, chai tea, and rain. But that just goes to show that you can have an amazing time no matter what, if you're with the right company! This is the only picture we managed to take, because our hands were messy pretty much the rest of the night afterwards. Please note the immense bag of food he's hefting:

We really did mean to go bowling afterwards, but it was raining and we were VERY full and tired and...meh. We'll take a raincheck. Hah!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Same here. Me and Dan had plans to stay in, watch a movie on the couch together and call it a night. Instead...he ended up on the couch watching a DVR'd episode of The Simpsons and I ended up in the bedroom watching The Bachelor. Oh well...we love each other :)