Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tonight's date night, and N is picking me up from work to go have a delicious meal at Samovar, which I have been to several times by the Metreon and LOVE. Never been to the Mission location though. The fact that I'm pretty hungry right now and that we have a groupon for $50 of food and tea there makes for a pretty awesome dinner. Grilled portabella and chai, here I come!

Also been just a tiny bit spoiled lately, what with the fancy schmancy Spanish/Peruvian meal last night at Pasion(which, by the way = 2 thumbs up). I'm definitely going back for a Pisco Sour.

My yoga instructor has me trying some crazy things lately, to keep me busy and challenged, and she hasn't fallen short yet. This week, the project is to go from a full bridge to standing (feet stay in place) to handstand and back. Whew. My back feels like a slinky! This one may be do-able, but some of her ideas are real doozies.

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