Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This week, we finally got around to some good ole Fall activities. We went to a pumpkin carving party, and drank hot cider and ate gingersnaps and pumpkin pie. And the Giants won the pennant. It was fantastic.
Nolan's pumpkin is on the far left, and mine is 2nd from the right.

 I had to take a picture of the little curly tail on Nolan's pumpkin because it was so cute how it lit up. Glad I took it then because it fell off in the car on the way home :)

Tonight we relaxed with some dinner and watching Game 2 of the World Series. We planned our Halloween party for next week while we savoured our tasty mixed pudding desserts (both are healthy, of course!) and snuggled with the kitties on the couch.

They like to curl up with us at night, but the rest of the time, this is generally what they are doing:
I can already tell Milo will miss Harley when she goes home!

This morning we woke up to warm steel-cut pumpkin pie oatmeal that was waiting for us in the crockpot, ready to be eaten and savoured! How can anyone not like Fall?

So much to do this weekend, and I still have to put together our Halloween costumes...ahh! So let me stop and take a breather here:

1. I'm thankful for so many fun nights with Nolan. We've loved his new schedule of having evenings off. We may be turning into that old couple, but it's such a nice change! Plus I think he likes coming home to a hot cooked meal :)
2. I'm thankful for a great weekend with family the last 2 weekends!
3. I'm thankful for answered prayers. I've been seeing a lot of them lately, and it's kind of amazing and humbling.
4. I'm thankful for Pinterest. Don't laugh! I've gotten probably 100% of my Halloween party ideas and recipes off of there. Makes holiday planning easy (or easier anyway).
5. I'm thankful for my doctor at Kaiser, who switched one of my prescriptions to one that has almost zero side-effects. I was tired of always being kind of under the weather since January! It's nice to be able to email your doctor and have her actually listen and respond.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Mom said...

Glad you're feeling better!!!