Friday, August 14, 2009


Milo is eagerly watching me as a sit here. Nay, hunting may be a better word. I'm tearing the last little piece of my bread into a bite-size piece, and I can almost smell his drool. And I mean, I KNOW that cats and dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate, but it blows my mind that he understands that. Right now I have on my right side a piece of crappy bread. On my left side I have a tray of pieces of white and milk chocolate. He is practically wiping his butt on the chocolate as he tries to desperately snag my bread. What the heck, man. Maybe he IS mentally slow. I guess it's only amazing that he knows the difference, if you know him and are familiar with his eating habits. Aka: he'll eat anything from kibble to spinach to his own litter. Yet no chocolate. On the other hand, I have caught him a few different times recently, ACTUALLY checking himself out in the mirror, and then running away when he sees me watching him. Maybe the vain little turd has a brain afterall.

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