Saturday, August 29, 2009


I had originally planned on doing normal things this weekend, but since I forgot that this weekend is Outside Lands, I am basically stuck...unless I want to lose my parking spot for the rest of the weekend, with the closest free parking being in another district. No joke. It's nuts here. So really, it's good and bad.

The good?
1. Lots of great deals going on because of the high volume of tourists/visitors in our neighbourhood.
2. Gangstas scalping tickets on street corners. It's like Oakland has come for the weekend, SERiously.
3. Free awesome music. Last night and all of today I've had my windows wide open, and just sat in my living room/on our roof while sunbathing and listened to a free live concert, loud and clear since it's happening right over in the park, with the likes of Incubus, Pearl Jam, Black Eyed Peas, Dave Matthews Band, etc....probably the only time in my life when I ran a chance of bumping into Fergie in my friendly neighbourhood Starbucks.
4. FABULOUS WEATHER. But that has nothing to do with Outside Lands, so let's move on.

The bad?
1. No parking.
2. Weird people.
3. The whole place reeks of pot and stale beer. Sick.
4. The music is going loudly when I don't want it to. Aka, when I'm in bed.

Tomorrow during small group is when M.I.A. and Tenacious D, etc. will be that should be interesting.

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