Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's business time

All of a sudden here we are on a Thursday night and holy cow, how is it Thursday already? It's been one whirlwind of a week again, and I KNOW you are sick of hearing me say that, but I mean it a little bit more each week that I say it. I think my brain/body is going to combust and maybe I should take an Ambien and sleep through the entire weekend, because seriously, even Milo's been walking wide circles around me as if he expects me to explode or collapse or something. And when a crazy, actually crazy cat is eyeing you cautiously, you know it's bad. And really, the other day I got through an entire day of work, and it wasn't until I was at the gym that I realized I had been wearing Nolan's socks all day. Not only do our socks have a differential of oh, 10 SIZES, but also: WE DON'T EVEN KEEP THEM IN THE SAME CORNER OF THE ROOM. Even my caps lock key is out of control tonight.

Sob. If only my title referred to what you probably thought it did when you saw it.

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