Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pungent Green

I've discovered that the main reason I don't have Simple Green at home is because I'd vomit every time I used it. I have heard wonders it's done, but today I squirted a teensy bit on my badge because I had put a sticker on there and it left a residue, and OH MAN. As if being queasy earlier today wasn't enough fun, I smelled that stuff and almost puked in my pencil cup. Because the last time I apparently smelled that stuff was when we were cleaning up the guts of my dissected cat in Physio my senior year of high school, and the LAST thing I need to smell right now is something that brings back the putrid aroma of Mr. Fatty's decomposing stomach lard.

In other news, I've been feeling funny for several days now, and I think it's my body trying to get sick, but my mind overpowering it with the sheer willpower to not have to use any sickdays, since (in fact) I have none left after designating them all for Europe and Mexico. Go, mind, go!

1 comment:

Brystal said...

Yeah I feel the same way about that stuff. My mom swears by it but a)it smells horrible b) why the heck would someone want to clean with something that looks green? Green is the color of many things dirty.