Monday, August 31, 2009

The dog days of (freezing SF-style) summer

The weekend was mostly a break for me...sleeping in, eating slowly, not putting on makeup and staying in. Sah-weet. Oh except that my mind was still churning from the week and I had a lot of cleaning to do and Milo was whining and I superglued my fingers together. And I discovered that I still secretly crave coffee every day. SOB.

But: my fingers are fine again, the house smells like flowers (and grease from my late-night french fry binge last night, haha!), and I ridded our bedroom of about 1 whole pound of dust/fur/nasty other stuff from under the bed. Not even exaggerating. And a friend today told me that one time she superglued her pants to her leg, and I thought to myself, "Hmm, my life COULD be worse."

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