Thursday, August 6, 2009

Moo Moo Meadows

Apparently I don't post often enough for some peoples' liking (hah!), so here I am. With nothing really exciting to say other than that I had caffeine today and it was glorious. I also got a new iPhone case (twice!), but that isn't that exciting anyway because Nolan told me it was a piece of crap and I had to return it. Needless to say I was back today and got another one. We'll see what he says about it. Seeing as how the one tiny tiny scratch I have is because of my faulty other one, I'm just hoping this one does its job. And also feeling pretty pleased because now I can play Collapse Chaos on it and the case doesn't get in the way. Which means I am likely close to beating the final level. Booyah!

I'm also hoping to get my glasses fixed today, because I think the unattractive glasses feature is wildly enhanced by the fact that they're noticeably crooked. As much as I love the titanium-ness of them, it also means they have to be melted in order to be adjusted, and I'm not about to cook them over my stovetop myself. Sigh.

Cindus came to visit yesterday, and majorly boosted my ego when she played me at Mariokart for an hour, and let me win every time except one (and that one wasn't fair, Cindus!). Also because she was here, Milo is fat and happy again for a few days, having been appropriately smothered and smacked around for several hours. He even slept through almost the entire night, and THAT is something.

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