Wednesday, August 26, 2009

tour de everything (except Belgium)

Once again, our trip plans to Europe have changed, but once again it's for the better! We're cutting Brussels from le grande tour (sorry Belgium), and putting an extra day into Holland, because after the Trader Joe's sample the other night, I'm gonna be needing me some good Gouda (or, as my mother in law says, "HOW-duh") pretty soon here.

I purposely made no plans tonight so that I could relax and compose myself for tomorrow. So far I've, uhh, eaten. Like, potatoes and chocolate. This evening can ONLY get better. Also my electric blanket is on, Milo is curled up on my pillow waiting for me, and I'm eating Cadbury and about to start a good book in bed with some peach juice. Smmmhhhh.

As if that isn't good enough, I ALSO have no plans this weekend except to do my laundry...which I thought about putting off, but I'm not going to pull a you-know-who and wear the same pair of underwear for weeks at a time because the rest are dirty. This is a topic which surfaced recently, and the idea was actually championed (is that even the right word in this situation?). I have no idea why someone would advocate the wearing of a pair of "lucky" underwear that actually is only considered lucky because it hasn't been washed in days, weeks, decades...and in which case I could grow my own bacteria in a jar and sell it as bottled luck, and here's where I realize I'm missing out on the biggest opportunity of my life...

...but then again, the male sex is a mystery to me. Oops, did I just give away who I was talking about?


chels said...

WHAT!!! After all those hours of scouring the internet for good hotels for you, you gave up? JK, it didn't look that interesting and I didn't find any great hotels. You could grow your own bacteria. Stick a q-tip up your butt and spread it on an agar plate. Them butt bacteria will love you ;)

Ashely said...

oh he is totally going to appreciate this post.

i have a letter to send you. remind me to find it.