The baby birds are finally here for spring up in the foothills:

To celebrate Mothers' Day, we all went out to dinner at Joe's Crab Shack, which is my mom's favourite, and so she tries to squeeze in as many excusable trips there as possible. And I don't blame her...spicy steamed crab and buttery sauce? Mmmm.

Everyone came out, even my brother and his girlfriend:

Both the brothers, in fact...

And my dad with the woman of the day...

Sometime last week I got a "free drink" coupon in the mail from Starbucks. Now, I'm not proud of how often I go to Starbucks, and so at that moment when I cracked open the mailbox, I felt a split-second of joy followed by a moment of shame. That shame caused me to hide that coupon, so that Nolan couldn't mock/judge my habit. Once again,
like when I hid $800 (for safety) in Europe and couldn't find it because I hid it too well (that story ends happily - we discovered it in my travel pillow case on the plane ride home), I did just too sweet a job of hiding it and couldn't find it. This morning I remembered where I put it - in my bag that had my new shoes in it. EXCELLENT. Except I had taken that bag down to recycling already, and when I opened the cover, it was buried underneath gobs of our neighbours' trash. So I had to decide just how much I wanted that free Starbucks drink.
15 minutes later, my hands sticky with garbage, I have found the bag, and there is NO coupon in it. My superstar hiding skillz have struck again, and here I sit, sobbing into my cereal because I know that thing will expire and THEN I'll find it. Because fate is a cruel, cruel mistress.
I just need to emphasize again that while Nolan was at sipping coffee at Starbucks tonight, I was rummaging through someone's sticky trash and scrubbing my bathtub with a toilet brush. Classy.