Yesterday morning, my coworker and I took a little walk to Liguria Bakery to pick up another item from the Top 100 list.
#69 - Foccacia at
Liguria Bakery (featured in Time Magazine!)

I put my hand in there for scale - so you can see how giant the pieces are. Needless to say, Nolan and I are still savouring both pieces. We went with the raisin and the rosemary garlic flavours...but at the rate we're devouring it, we may have to go back for more and try other flavours!
Today I went on a little hike/walk with Ash U and Elli... lovely Glen Park Canyon! It's always such a shock to find a place like this in the middle of San Francisco. Truly an enigma of a city. And then we parked at home and walked to San Tung for their famous Dry Fried Chicken (also from Top 100 list, but we've already covered that one :) ). And it was FAN.TAS.TIC.
Nolan and I have discovered another little oddity recently. Apparently when I'm slightly stuffed up or sick, I snore at night (I'll admit it!). He hates this because it wakes him up. So instead of trying other methods, he simply lays there while I snore, and says gently, "No snoring". And apparently every time he does that, I slightly wake and say "Ok". And then all's well for the rest of the night. Haha!
Also, he's jealous of my sleeping skillz. Because not only do I have ridiculous dreams and sleep through the night, but I also can sleep on anything, anywhere, and I can fall asleep instantly. Last night we were chatting, and then there was a slight lull, and I started dreaming about
the circus, of all things (go figure), and next thing I knew, he was nudging me saying "Seriously!? Were you already asleep?!" This is an EXCELLENT skill to have.
Quote of the day:Safety training at work: "Don't have an accident! Accidents are failures, and we can't accept failures." hahaha
Peru - 6 days!