Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Google, you never cease to amaze.

We returned last night from our wonderful time in Brookings with Nolan's family. Even Milo was well-behaved the entire time, and spent most of his time either begging or hiding behind the loveseat. The weather cooperated, and we even got to spend some time at the river and at a parade! Apparently the Azalea Festival is a huge deal up there, so we partook of that a little and saw some sights in Brookings. Here are a few pics I took at the parade:

Nolan protecting his Dutch skin from the sun:

He wanted a picture with the giant tuna:

Shriners in tiny cars:

And what would a parade be without a long line of tractors:

Let me just juxtapose those pictures of that parade with a picture of a San Francisco parade:

Talk about different worlds.

I also managed to get some good ones of Milo, just because some people don't believe a cat can be a good traveler...some of the time he sits on my lap and just watches out the window:
But other times, he just kind of passes out in my lap for hours at a time:

I discovered a new trick from google this morning, where it automatically translates words, sentences, WHATEVER, into Spanish for me. Must have picked up on all the Spanish threads in things I email. Anyway, it's pretty awesome, considering the random words I can't remember that I have to look up or sit and recall...now I can just hover over it and voila! See:


Heidi said...

"Let me just juxtapose those pictures of that parade with a picture of a San Francisco parade" Hahahaha! :)

Hey, don't know if you knew, but Lydia Mayes just got a job in San Francisco and is moving pretty soon. I told her she should look you up!

neighboUr said...

wow, yes that would be awesome! I havent' talked to her in several years!

Ms B said...

How come I'm the ONLY PERSON EVER to not know about the Shriners in little cars??