Monday, August 10, 2009


You know, sometimes I just have to laugh, because between my own stupid adventures, and the antics of Nolan and Milo, there's always something going on. I can't imagine adding a kid to the picture, YIKES. Recently, I've invested in double-sided, kitty-scratch-protection tape, which I've stuck all over the furniture, until Milo becomes best friends with his new scratchiing post. This tape is awesome, and super sticky because it has to stick to all manners of materials. The bad news about this is, it really does stick to ALL materials, including human. Which Nolan and I found out this morning when he decided the best way to get his wife up out of bed was to experiment with a piece of Milo's tape in her hair, and really rub it around so that it got nice and tangled up. Can you see where I'm going with this? Let me give you a visual:

That's our newest piece of art, and I hoping to get at least a free massage out of it tonight if I can milk the guilt.

This weekend I was up in Placerville, picking berries, cleaning the house, enjoying the heat, saying goodbye to my little brother who is off to college...and of course envying the dogs, because their life must be SO HARD:

...and on the drive home, I got to stop at Target, listen to the radio, and enjoy the light traffic and sunshine (all of these things are a rarity!), and zone out a little bit. And then I was minding my own business, almost on the Golden Gate bridge, when I suddenly knew I was home. How, you ask? It's quite simple, really:

And to think: my parents thought I was exaggerating about the temperatures here.

1 comment:

Brystal said...

You spelled Hair wrong