Monday, November 9, 2009

a day in the life

I have often wondered what Milo does during the day while we're gone. Today I got to find out. I went downtown to pick up my laptop so that I could work from home, and when I walked back through the door, I found Milo pinning a fly against the cupboard door. He turned around, gave me a look that clearly said, "what are YOU doing home?!", and then I saw the fly squeeze through his paws on the cupboard, and he had to catch it all over again. Later, he was chasing invisible creatures across the carpet, and then he put himself down for a nap before sitting in the window for the rest of the day and people-watching. How can you not love this little creature--curled up on top of his favourite little toy:

And people-watching out the window...though at the moment, he was eyeing me as I crept closer:

My dad and his business partner were in Oakland today for a conference, and so they came to our house so that my dad could fix a rogue tube in our car (I found it, but I didn't fix it this time :( ). What a blessing that they were in the area the day after we had car problems! And that they were willing to go out of their way to come! Which is why I worked from home--so I could provide keys and tools and whatever else help was necessary. And I wanted to see my dad! So while I worked, I had stuff in the oven, among which was my favourite pineapple upside-down cake:

And now I'm sitting here with Ash U, enjoying Dutch chocolate and cheese, and French wine! Ahhh I'm spoiled :)


Pops said...

Your cooking alone is enough to bring me to San Francisco...and I enjoy the good press in your blog!

Noemma said...

Milo's lookin' evil behind that curtain!