Since I brought home Nolan's present that came in the mail from Amazon yesterday (word!), which was most likely a stupider idea than leaving it at work UNTIL Christmas, he of course demanded to open it. Being a jolly elf, I couldn't allow it, so I let him shake it...but when I remembered he would be home alone with it all evening while I was watching Coraline, I had to do something. So we devised a plan to keep him out of it, and fortunately he cooperated:

If he can cheat a wax seal without me knowing, I guess there is nothing else I can do anyway. Hhhh.
A coworker sent me the following link, and it opened my eyes to Milo's world. Not that I was dying of curiosity, but did you know a cat purrs at the same rate as an idling diesel engine? Hmm, good to know in case I ever go on Jeopardy I guess.
...Or if you happen to have spare gold around, I'd highly recommend investing.
Looks like we finally know what Milo does in his room:

(my graffiti skillz are impressive, no?)
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