Friday, November 13, 2009


Confession: I have been going to bed at 8-8:30 lately. And sleeping til 6-6:30! That's 10 hours of sleep, for those of you who can't count. The result? I've been drowsy all day because of too much sleep. Also I have been extremely unproductive while at home since my evening consists of eating dinner with Nolan when I get home, then we put on pjs, watch 24 in bed, then go to sleep. I am becoming elderly. Or at least lazy. But! I do it out of solidarity with Nolan, who has to go to bed that early because he has to get up at 3:30-4am to make it to the hospital on time each morning. So...that's a pretty good excuse, yes?

Last night at the library with my learner, I finally checked out "It sucked and then I cried" by Heather Armstrong, the blogger behind the monster blog, Dooce. I've been meaning to read this book for quite awhile now, and have found the only downsides to it to be that:
#1 I have to muffle my guffaws on the trainride to/from work...which is EXTREMELY embarrassing considering the only other person on there guffawing out loud is the crazy guy from the Haight who's interspersing his guffaws with some song about Captain Planet and Pokemon.
Anyway. #2 is that it's entirely about when she was pregnant, had her baby, and then dealt with post-partum depression. So I guess it's a little awkward when one is sitting on the muni, oh say, on a friday morning, and as you are on the chapter page titled, "How to exploit an unborn baby", a hugely pregnant woman sits down next to you and starts reading over your shoulder while simultaneously stroking her giant belly. Meanwhile I'm still trying to stifle my now super-inappropriate guffaws over here.

1 comment:

Mom said...

yes, now you won't think you're in another time zone when you come to visit me!!!