Monday, November 16, 2009

rainbow meat

Friday night Nolan and I went out for date night at a local Vietnamese place, and of course just letting steak sit on my tongue again (it's been awhile, okay?) was the most fulfilling experience of my life. The only little issue I had was that there was a rainbow tint to the steak...which made me feel weird about eating it. As it should.

This whole weekend I did practically nothing. I worked on our scrapbook, I crocheted, I made pancakes with Nolan, I lounged...I also babysat on Saturday night, so that I guess counts as the most productive feeling ever. And that feeling of general nothingness that I felt? Glo.ri.ous.

And now I'm back at work, feeling like my head is a calabasa and not being able to do everything that is thrown at me (Oh Monday, you fickle lover!). On the otherhand, I have been drinking so much water and working out that my whole body feels like a ball o' energy. So...that's good news.

Quote of the day:
Colleague (after hearing of a price increase for us): "Big consulting is not better consulting. Wisdom to live by."
Duly noted.

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