Thursday, November 19, 2009


I had this crazy dream last night that one of our company executives was decorating his office and invited my whole department to join him and listen to Christmas music and make gingerbread men. I have had a long week.

I take consolation in the fact that tomorrow I get to go to one of my favourite places in the world, see some of my favourite people, and bring some of my other favourite people with me! If you don't fall in either group, don't worry--I have lots of favourite people. It gets better: we're seeing New Moon on Saturday. We're also bingeing on candy and coffee (surprise!), and sitting in hot tubs and sleeping in and Mom, I may or may not bring some laundry (surprise again!). Milo is NOT coming, because he is a turd and needs to spend a weekend along with his thoughts. Nolan's been encouraging him to just keep on chewing on that computer cord! To see what happens! And this is when I sigh and hide the cord for BOTH their benefits.

1 comment:

Ash U said...

hee hee so much for the hot tubs!