Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I have a big meeting tomorrow, so tonight I have to hem my nice pants so that I don't look like a loser whose legs aren't long enough to fill out even the smallest size Gap sells. This is going to be interesting, since my fingers are all pruned up from soaking in lukewarm water for an hour while preparing, bathing, and blow-drying Milo. The perks of all this are that he will be much cleaner, and he won't smell like trash anymore (we hope). Just this evening, we looked at him and wondered aloud what the yellow patches in his fur were around his neck. Is it even possible for a cat to pee on himself? Who knows. I wouldn't put anything past the beast. Also each morning when I pick him up to cuddle him, I bury my nose into his fur and smell...celery. Usually in the mornings he reeks of pungent celery, and then by evening he just smells like garbage. So we decided to put an end to it so that we'll have a fluffy, tropical-fruit-smelling little child in our bed tonight, instead of one with questionable fur and odors.

ps I've given up on daily quotes again.

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