But keep in mind that it looked better from a distance, because for some reason Nolan only took pictures from my waist up? I tried to convince him to go as Harry Potter (we have a messy brown wig, even!), but he said he would prefer to be white trash...which ended up looking pretty trashy, but not in the best way. As soon as we arrived, he leaned over and whispered "Man. Harry Potter would have been WAY better!" Maybe I am always right!
The after-effects of Halloween this year are that now I'm fully immersed in the holiday season. All day I have been Christmas shopping, planning decorations for my desk, eating Almond Joys and listening to Bing Crosby's Christmas songs. Oh Bing. I adore you. Nolan imposed a strict law this year banning me from listening to Christmas music out loud until after Thanksgiving, but as long as I have my headphones on, nobody knows ;)
How about Roger Whittaker XMas songs? That shoud get you in the spirit!
Too bad you left your polyjuice potion at home!
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