Friday, February 26, 2010


It's been almost a month since I had my beloved white mocha or any espresso-based coffee drinks. And it's going so well, that I may even have to have the Starbucks tattoo removed from my right buttocks.

However, as soon as Lent ends, I am going to buy a giant one. As long as I can hold off until then.
Congratulations on Jesus denying Satan's request to make bread out of stone
Hopefully this whole thing will teach me moderation.

Tomorrow morning will be my first running experience since the whole teeth ordeal, so Nolan is going to go easy with me for just a couple miles and see how it feels. I have craved running (the grass is always greener) since I couldn't do it the last week and a half, and I can only hope that I'm ready again, or I'm going to drag my useless, atrophied legs behind me and cry and sob in defeat.

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