Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I never thought that me announcing Nolan has talked me into getting my wisdom teeth pulled soon would result in: ME GETTING MY WISDOM TEETH PULLED IN 2 DAYS. My brain is just.not.ready. to face this fear. Also I am not ready to spend my weekend on the couch. And not have anything crunchy or delicious for a few days. Or not to run for a few days! GASP. This means I will somehow have to fit in my 8-miler tomorrow, so that I can have that out of the way and be all ready to relax/vomit/cry and sob in pain the whole weekend long. Writing it even freaks me out. This is where I start gnawing on my appendages and wailing...this is also where Nolan pets my hair like a gerbil and whispers sweet nothings in my ear about getting me extra drugs for the pain.

I am about to face one of my greatest fears.

Next thing you know, I'll be rolling in a stranger's bedsheets. In fact, maybe I should list these irrational but very real fears just to say them out loud. Ahem:

1. Giving birth
2. Wisdom teeth extraction
3. Wearing flipflops on a crowded street and then someone stepping on my foot and bending/breaking my toenail back. Don't laugh.
4. Sleeping in dirty/used sheets.
5. Spiders.
6. Dropping my razor and accidentally slicing my cuticle. Don't laugh.
7. Being touched by strangers.
8. Falling up stairs and splitting open my chin.
9. Grating my fingers instead of cheese.
10. Being poked in the eye.

...oddly, I feel less comforted seeing all that out there.

Today at work I took an HTML class, and now can proudly say that I can (semi) design VERY BASIC web parts. Also I can manage my blog better when I am blogging in HTML, because sometimes I accidentally delete a tag and then an image doesn't transfer and OMG finding that tiny tag is the most frustrating thing ever. Until now.

My favourite piece of mail today? It was:

Because I don't think Nolan has ever watched a NASCAR race in his life, and there's nothing more satisfying than knowing a company's unwanted solicitation was for naught.

1 comment:

Mrs. Campbell said...

So many of our fears are alike! My list goes like this:

1. Giving birth
2. Wisdom teeth extraction
3. Spiders crawling into my mouth or ears.
4. Large Objects on vehicles in front of me in traffic flying off and coming through my car windshield.
5. Other people touching my eyes
6. Being impaled (I realise that this is not likely to happen but seriously it must be awful).
7. Taking a bite of fruit and finding half a bug.
8. Stapler injuries
9. The mole on my neck being ripped off by small children
10. The ocean