Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In Remembrance of My Knuckle

Last night I tried to shave some parmesan for my salad, and pressed a little too hour later I am STILL trying to sop up the blood oozing from my thumb's knuckle, of which I unceremoniously grated off a 1/2 inch chunk deep enough that I could see white underneath, and big enough that there was a giant piece of flesh stuck in the grater. G R O S S. I'm still feeling squeamish about it. Thanks to Ash U. for mopping me up, I survived and didn't whine too much. Possibly the worst cut I've ever had.
Needless to say, I threw away that grater, lest I live in constant fear of having to grate cheese ever again. So today I ran to Crate and Barrel, because I happened to know that they stocked the following:

A grater that has NO CONTACT with one's skin, and produces a fine little pile of delicious shavings. Easy to use, easy to clean, no sharp edges. I HIGHLY recommend it.

Tonight I'm nailing down our Paris schedule, and am that much closer to strolling the streets of old Paree with my best friend. I have a whole bag full of travel stuff that I've been adding to each day, so I'm set for anything from brushing my teeth to doing laundry over there, to ending up in a bathroom with no tp. Faaaaaabulous.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You may take your OWN TP anyway as the stuff over there feels like sandpaper! If you choose to use the local stuff your butt will be sore for decades. :)