Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Amber Rose

Going out for drinks with coworkers to celebrate something is always fun, until you go to another event afterwards and say a little bit too loudly that you had two Amber Roses at the Indian restaurant when one probably would have been fine. And then you meet new people and all you can think is BEST FIRST IMPRESSION EVER. That and the time we played Loaded Questions with the new girls in our small group and I told a story involving college and poop. It's amazing I still have ANY friends.

And I'm sitting here blasting Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and wishing desperately that I had some decent cheese and crackers left. But for now Donny Osmond will have to soothe my senses. Poor, poor, Joseph.

I also hate the sensation of having fantastically curled hair all day...and then sitting at home late at night, running your fingers through your sprayed-stiff hair and thinking WHY did I think this was a good idea. Although ever since the tape/hair incident of '09, I guess I have given up on the hair. In fact, I think the last time I had it trimmed was sometime around the January/February timeframe.

Semi-News: A big change is coming to the Caldwell house! More to come...


Unknown said...

What? Are you buying another fish to entertain Milo???

Anonymous said...

Heh, as you can tell I am catching up on your blog. If it makes you feel better you weren't really THAT loud :-p -AshU